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Endoscopy reporting software is a standalone app for reporting, saving to the database, and generating reports of endoscopy procedures in a hospital setting. These are what this app does:

  • Saves a new patient record
  • Updates a previous record
  • Enables recording reports for gastroscopy, sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy
  • Generates pdf report of procedures
  • Attaches captured images to pdf report

In summary, this software will help healthcare professionals to create, store, and manage endoscopy reports efficiently



  1. Creating new patient records
  2. Saving reports to a database
  3. Generates pdf reports 
  4. Attaches images to reports
  5. Scheduling of procedures
  6. CSV files of reports for audit/research purposes


User Interface

The images of how this will look can be accessed via the video in this section. 

The interface is simply laid out and user-friendly.

It has a search as well as a new procedure button.

These will generate or attenuate the capabilities of each of the procedures in order that the user is not cluttered.


Technologies Used

Using python language, I was able to import various classes within PySimpleGUI platform to develop this app. Other libraries used include:

  • CV2
  • SQLite database, etc


Target Audience

  • Healthcare professionals - especially, gastroenterologists
  • Scheduling clerks
  • Hospitals that provide endoscopic procedures to patients
  • This web app will enhance productivity and enable users to also use the audit tool within it to generate data for analyses


Future Development

This trial version is limited to a few weeks - in order that a potential user can request a non-trial version

The full version will not require Wi-Fi to operate and comes with the ability to use a desktop and attach a smartphone to the PC as the image capture device for high-resolution images.

We intend to include a smart scheduler in the reporting tool as well as improve color schemes to match customized needs.

Users can request adjustments to different fields of this app to suit their specific requirements.



This Endoscopy reporting Software is targetted at hospitals within developing country set ups with adapted technologies that utilise commonly available tools to support optimised endoscopy reporting.

Please download this trial version to see how this app operates within a Windows PC environment. The link to download will be made available to you as soon as you have completed initial aspects of registering your interest.

If you need us to support you in any away, please feel free to contact us via the contact form.



EndoReportingApp version 2.0

  • Instructions on how to download EndoReportingApp


    • Click on the link – (supplied separately)
    • Click on the downward arrow (located in the right top corner)
    • The file size is 70MB and so not easy for the antivirus to scan – but you can trust that this link is safe and will not harm your PC. So just go to Download anyway.
    • The zipped folder will be displayed 
    • Extract the folder and save it to your PC
    • The name of the file to click to launch the app is: Application.
    • Do not temper with any of the contents of this folder!
    • You may create a shortcut to access the Application from your Desktop.
    • You will need to contact me on for username and password to start using the app!

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