In answer to that question, I will set a background
The diagnosis of hepatitis B is made when someone has a positive HBsAg
HBsAg is a protein that is detected in blood of patients that are infected by a tiny germ (virus) called hepatitis B virus (HBV)
HBV is transmitted via blood, blood products and or sexual fluids
You can read more about transmission and other aspects of hepatitis B via this link HERE
So how do we handle the question?
Treatment is often understood by lay persons as taking of drugs
The answer, therefore, is that NOT everyone that has hepatitis B infection needs to be treated
Not everyone that has hepatitis B infection needs to be treated
If you have an acute infection (i.e., infection by HBV lasting less that 6 months), there is a 9 out of 10 chances that you will clear the virus without taking any medicines
Your body can get rid of the virus within 6 months of infection
Unfortunately, for some persons (especially for those that acquired the infection in childhood), persistence of the infection results
HBV infection lasting more than 6 months is called chronic hepatitis B infection
Not everyone that has chronic HBV will require treatment
Chronic hepatitis B infection does not define severity, but persistence of infection beyond 6 months
If you do not need to start treatment immediately, you will be monitored over time to know when hepatitis becomes more active
The aim of treatment is to reduce or reverse liver damage and to prevent long-term complications of hepatitis B
These long-term complications are called cirrhosis (when the liver becomes hard and not able to function) and liver cancer
The doctor looking after your liver will usually carry out some tests to determine your need for treatment
Once you start treatment, you will have regular blood tests to see how well the treatment is working and to detect side effects or drug resistance
Depending on the type of treatment, this is to be continued for a lifetime
There are exceptions to above rule
Treatment should not be stopped without discussing this with your doctor because, in some cases, the virus can come back quickly, causing severe liver injury
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